Thursday 14 October 2010

Picton road solution !

There is one major problem with lowering the speed limit on Picton road to ninety kph. It will provide an excuse for the state government to slow progress on widening and upgrading the road to a divided double carriageway - which is what this arterial road needs and deserves.

There also seems to be a strange logic in installing point to point cameras - and restricting their surveillance to heavy vehicles.

If point to point speed detection is applied to all vehicles it becomes virtually impossible for any vehicle to speed on this stretch of road without attracting an automatic fine.

Provided the presence of such cameras is well marked the matter of speeding detection is no longer a matter of luck. There were days when the Highway patrol were conducting speed checks - and there were days when speeding went undetected. That would be consigned to the past.

If we are serious about lowering the death toll then we need to accept automatic detection of speeding - and the consequences that go with it.

Most of us will grizzle about being forced to maintain a miserable 90 kph on good sections of that road - on days of bright sunshine and lack of rain - when 100 kph would not be a factor.

But perhaps it is necessary if we are going to stay alive - and provided it does not become an excuse to further delay road improvements to give motoring citizens a better road system !

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