Friday 22 October 2010

A lost cause !

New Zealand shares the binge drinking problem by young people that confronts Australia - and propose legislative changes to bring it under control.

This Kiwi legislation would see a change in the legal drinking age to allow those aged eighteen to consume alcohol in pubs and clubs - but deny the purchase of alcohol in bottle shops and supermarkets until age twenty.

The idea is to permit drinking in places where young people can be supervised, but to prevent consumption where there is no control.

It is a bright idea with goods intentions - but it is also naive - and it will not work !

It ignores the adage of " where there is a will - there is a way " ! Introduce such legislation and young people will see it as a challenge - and use their ingenuity to get around it - and a look at history proves that you can not legislate a problem away.

We already have draconian laws to keep under eighteens from buying tobacco. They are a complete failure.

Illicit drugs face draconian penalties - but the drug trade is healthy and ever expanding, despite it being the subject of intense police activity.

The problem of alcohol and binge drinking can not be cured by changing the laws. It will only be reduced when we manage to change attitudes - and so far that has remained a mystery to the older generation.

And if most of that older generation was honest they would admit that they also indulged - to a lesser extent - in their youthful days !

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