Tuesday 24 August 2010

Political reality.

Since Federation, politics in Australia has charted a predictable course. Power has alternated between two main political entities - but the twenty-first century is proving to be different.

At this latest Federal election the voters were equally split between Labor and the Conservatives - but the balance of power will be held by a small number of independents and Greens. One of the major parties will need to gain the support of sufficient " others " to achieve the required numbers to govern.

Obviously this support will be achieved by negotiation - and therefore some of the wishes of the independents will have to be taken on board by the successful major party - and become legislation.

So - we will have two road blocks in the policy area. One in the lower house and a second in the Senate - where horse trading on a tit for tat basis will be the only way forward.

This could be the great change that Australia desperately needed. Politics is no longer the thoughts and aspirations of the men and women we elect to parliament. Behind each major political party are the " faceless ones " who control the factions - and dictate party policies.

Another hand has been added to the levers of power. Those independents will have the chance to change Australia and introduce elements suggested by the rank and file voters - but ignored by " big government ".

Unfortunately this will only work in the short term. Power corrupts - and absolute power corrupts absolutely !

We have just handed power to a small number of people who will eventually morph into a new political party because of that hold on power.

It lends credence to that old adage. The more things change - the more they stay the same !

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