Thursday 29 April 2010

Tobacco - the hidden product !

Cigarette displays in supermarkets are now conspicuous by their absence. Tobacco has become an " under the counter " product - that has to be specifically asked for.

This is reminiscent of contraception back in the 1950's. For some strange reason this product - then called " French Letters " - could not be advertised or displayed, and asking for it implied some sort of stigma.

At that time tobacco was widely advertised on radio and in cinemas. Now we have the reverse. Cigarettes are an under the counter product - and condoms are freely displayed in our supermarkets.

New laws will come into force in 2012. The government will force all brands of tobacco to market their product in a plain white packet with only black printing - the majority of the displayed surface containing lurid health warnings. The actual name of the product will only be permitted in very small letters.

The idea is to further reduce the appeal by removing colour and design.

Anti smoking action has certainly reduced the percentage of people who smoke, but surely the time must come when the government bites the bullet and makes tobacco an illegal product.

When it does, nicotine will join that other range of illicit drugs that can be obtained from your friendly neighbourhood drug pusher - and the government will have lost that lucrative flow of tax money.

A form of progress - perhaps !

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