Sunday 18 April 2010

Death by numbers !

The future population of Australia is generating furious debate, but what seems to be missing is a serious evaluation of the future population of planet earth.

At present earth is home to a little over seven billion people. We have a warming planet which will cause change in the availability of fresh water for drinking and agriculture and we are seeing wars and genocide in some countries as people fight for living space.

There must come a point where the population of the earth is simply unsustainable. The numbers will be greater than the ability of the planet to feed it's population - and when that point is reached - death for many is inevitable.

We express concern for the many children who die before their fifth birthday of hunger or disease, and we fund missions to send aid so that many will survive. Those that do grow to maturity - and continue to breed !

At the same time, some of the world's great religions blindly ignore the threat of over population - and in fact encourage more and more children.

The Catholic church stupidly bans contraception and Islam encourages huge families. In other parts of the world, poverty and ignorance dash any hope of implementing a sane family planning regime.

In the animal kingdom Mother Nature culls the numbers when they get out of hand by either plague or starvation.

The human race is supposedly superior, but are we about to eat ourselves - and breed ourselves - out of house and home ?

And is the only answer ultimately a fight for survival - with our numbers culled by war - and a nuclear exchange ?

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