Wednesday 25 February 2009

Entering a new world !

A huge amount of money is being spent by world government's to try and head off a catastrophic depression. The expectation of ordinary citizens is that when the dust settles the banks will be lending again, industry will be hiring workers - and the world will have returned to where it was at the start of 2008.

That will not happen. Talk to the old timers who survived the " Great Depression " of the 1930's and they will tell you that the recovery was the start of a new era.

The second world war was blamed for and had an influence of changing times, but much of that change was evolutionary. For the first time women participated in the workforce - and now a woman with children as a " stay at home ", unemployed housewife has become a rarity.

Social classes levelled out. Prior to the 1930's the education of country children ended at grade school - and thus the professions were out of reach. Many city kids left school at fifteen and were absorbed by industry as labourers. The rate of pay was strictly governed by age - and women received just sixty percent of the male rate of pay.

The era of car ownership got under way - and with the start of the jet age travel became affordable to the masses for the first time.

Many aspects of the world we knew will not recover from this economic downturn - but human ingenuity will create new opportunities - and new ways of doing things. It is simply a matter of disaster for many introducing the catalyst of change.

It would be a brave person to try and describe the new world that will emerge. To many people this change will seem a natural event - much as the critical years of change during the 1950's seemed quite normal to folk at that time.

What does seem certain is that our evolvement from this fiscal crash will merely accelerate the pressure of change that was building to a head before a corrupt monetary system introduced " toxic bonds " - and brought down the house of cards.

There was a certain inevitability about this recession hovering on the fringe of depression. The period ahead will not be comfortable for many, but an era has passed and new opportunities for the wise will soon be apparent.

The casualties will be those who - for one reason or another - reject change !

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