Monday 9 February 2009

Arsonists !

Yesterday eighty four people died a terrible death and seven hundred and fifty homes were destroyed when fire ravaged Victoria in a day of extreme heat and strong winds.

Bushfires are a natural hazard in this country - but what is mind numbing is the reality that most of these fires were deliberately lit.

When someone lights a fire on a day of extreme fire danger that is attempted murder. When a person dies as a result of that fire - that is murder !

Which raises the question of crime - and punishment !

There are some crimes which deserve capital punishment - and the citizens of this country have never been permitted a vote on that subject. Death by hanging was virtually abolished simply because in the eyes of some it became politically incorrect - and judges ceased handing down death sentences.

Few would support capital punishment for all murders. Crimes of passion committed in a rage can be understood, but there are some crimes that are just so horrible that the perpetrator has crossed a line and deserves to die.

An arsonist who deliberately seeks the death of fellow citizens and the destruction of their property is guilty of an act of terrorism - and no time in a prison will atone for that action.

It is time that Australian citizens were permitted a referendum to decide this issue.
The case for a death penalty should not be encased in misleading terms that allow only a single outcome - as was the case in the Monarchy or Republican decision.

It should spell out precisely what crimes would attract the sentence of execution - and allow the judge presiding at that trial the final decision on it's imposition.

The thought that the arsonists who caused yesterdays mass murder may get a life sentence - and be out in about sixteen years under the parole system - is good reason to put the question to the people of what penalty should apply !

After all, the choice of the people is the corner stone of a democratic society !

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