Saturday 25 October 2008

The last nail in the coffin.

The New South Wales government is Hell bent on making Wollongong a one major hospital city.

It is using incremental tactics to close Bulli hospital - and salivating at the prospect of selling the multi hectare site - with magnificent sea views - to developer mates who would enrich the Labor party with political donations in return for this benevolence.

First off the rank was the closure of Bulli's emergency department. Ambulances were forbidden to present patients to Bulli and local residents presenting were turned away with the excuse that " there are no doctors " - despite duty doctors clearly attending to ward patients.

Now the operating theatres are to be permanently closed - and what is a hospital that lacks emergency care and does not perform operations ?

A doctor who has a twelve month waiting list at Bulli hospital for minor operations - and a similar waiting list at Wollongong hospital for similar procedures - points out that if Bulli closes his waiting list at Wollongong hospital will automatically blow out to two years.

The state government is short of money. There is no doubt about that, but health care should be the primary call on funds.

The problem is this government knows it has no hope of being re-elected, but it's term of office does not expire until March, 2011.

The damage is can do through sheer incompetence in that time is beyond belief - and there could be an element of malice in it's actions.

Knowing it will be handing the keys of office to it's enemy is not conducive to leaving the ship of state in good working order.

Once Bulli hospital is closed - the chances of it reopening is negligible !

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