Wednesday 20 August 2008

This mobile world.

Later this year we will see the vanguard of change that will alter the world of motoring. The first Chinese built cars will be offered on the Australian market.

Initially they will be cheap and cheerful - and the choice offered will not be large but their arrival will signal the end of the present era.

Already the last two manufacturers of cars in Australia are facing a dwindling demand for their product. The price of petrol has turned buyers away from the family sized Commodore and Falcon and both models now rely on fleet sales to justify production.

The entry of the Koreans to car manufacturing several years ago introduced a new element. The low price of a new Korean car decimated the used car market. Why pay the same amount of money for a used car with unknown problems when a new car - with a five year warranty - can be had for the same price ?

The Chinese will lower the bar - with even lower new car prices - and with luxury inclusions at no extra cost that will dazzle buyers.

There is only one problem. We are still reliant on petrol to run these vehicles and that will be the inhibiting factor, despite improvements in fuel economy.

It is said that necessity is the mother of invention ! If that is so, the world awaits with bated breath for the first genius to discover a means of locomotion that uses a freely available component - whatever that may be !

Until that happens, cars will get cheaper to buy - but more costly to run !

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