Monday 11 August 2008

Legal guns.

What strange thinking some people apply to firearms !

An application is before Wollongong council for the establishment of a sporting goods shop - which happens to include guns amongst it's wares - in the suburb of Fairy Meadow.

This proposal has created a groundswell of opposition from otherwise fair minded people. There have been protest meetings and dire predictions of doom. The proposed site of the shop is near a school, and those in opposition have conjured up visions of gun toting louts swaggering through the streets and frightening children.

There are other stores that sell guns in this city - and they have existed for years. How come the problems these people in opposition claim are not happening as a consequence of these stores ?

Hunting is a legitimate sport and those that take the trouble to obtain a firearms license have every right to buy a gun and gun supplies. It is evident that the people opposing this new store would voice the same opposition - nomatter where it was located. They are simply " anti-gun " and want to ban a legitimate product from public sale.

The council planners gave this store the nod because it complied with all planning regulations. The councillors - frightened of a voter backlash that might deprive them of their plush seats - turned it down, despite the certainty of legal costs if the case went to court.

Now the case is back before the administrators - who do not have the same fear of being voted out of office. Hopefully, sanity will prevail. Public hysteria is not a valid reason for rejecting a legitimate development proposal !

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