Saturday 25 August 2007

Carcinoma danger !

A new scare on the cancer front - tanning booths !
It has been revealed that overuse of tanning booths can cause users to suffer the most deadly skin cancer - Carcinoma.
At present, the use of tanning booths is subject to a voluntary code of conduct, but the evidence shows that this is being disregarded in the quest for profit.
The biggest problem is young people who seek a golden tan and over use tanning booths as a way of achieving their dream.
No amount of publicity is going to persuade them to opt on the side of moderation. We only have to look at the millions expended to warn of the dangers of drugs, alcohol and speeding while driving to know that young people consider themselves bullet proof - and ignore warnings.
Probably the only way to regulate this industry is to enact legislation - and it would be useful if this could be done on a national basis rather than leaving it to individual states - requiring proof of age before gaining access to a tanning booth - in a similar manner to the requirements for purchasing alcohol or cigarettes.
It would not be necessary to ban the use of this medium, but to merely moderate the exposure time to a safe level.
Unfortunately sanity will fly out the window and the matter will become a political football between the Federal authorities and the states - but the losers will be young people pursuing an impossible dream - and ending up a medical statistic !

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