Thursday 23 August 2007

Blood on the streets !

Many people must be apprehensive about the level of violence likely to occur during the APEC meeting in Sydney in September.
The so-called Socialist Youth Organization - " Resistance " - has a track record of organizing chaos with a well trained cadre of leaders who wear masks and identical white jumpsuits to make individual identification difficult.
On past performance we can expect what is claimed to be " a peaceful demonstration " to be hijacked with these anarchists stirring the crowd to smash barricades, assault the police and do the maximum possible damage to property.
It is obvious that government intelligence is aware of what is to come and for that reason it has invested in both a water cannon and a fleet of specially prepared " prison buses " to deal with mass arrests.
What is disturbing is the actions of Resistance to recruit school kids to join the protest demonstration. A well orchestrated campaign is under way by using YouTube and printed flyers distributed at rail stations and school gates, urging children to disobey both parents and school authorities and take a day off and join the anarchists.
This seems like a Pied Piper operation. To many of the kids this is just another rebellion against authority but there is a chance of serious injury or worse if things get out of hand - and that is precisely what the organizers hope will happen.
Nothing would draw media headlines better than kids killed or injured - and of course the anarchists would scream " police brutality " and claim that their demonstration was merely a peaceful use of their democratic right to protest a meeting of people they describe as " the enemy ".
This same democratic right they claim to meet as a protesting group they deny the leaders of world countries to confer together in similar manner.
The leaders of Resistance are better described as urban terrorists little better than the jihadists who destroyed the World Trade centre. Their aim is similar - to destroy democracy and create a society ruled by fanatics.

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