Sunday 15 July 2007

The " safety " myth.

Many drivers will get an unpleasant surprise the next time they go to renew their compulsory third party " Greenslip " policy. If they have managed to accrue demerit points during the past year - the price asked will jump sharply. They will be hit with another " demerit " - a hit in the pocket for being classed an " unsafe driver ".
The crazy thing is that those demerit points can be earned for something as innocuous as pausing briefly on a bus stop to set down or pick up a passenger.
When demerit points were first introduced the aim was to discourage the rich from unsafe driving because they could afford to pay the fines. Rich or poor stood the same chance of losing their license for unsafe driving when such conduct earned demerit points.
But - politics got into the act. Politicians learned that they could earn brownie points with the voters by appearing to be leading a crackdown on unsafe driving. First came a doubling of demerit points on long weekends and other public holidays. Then came adding to the offences that would attract demerit points - until driving a car became something akin to negotiating a minefield.
Of course there is a downside to just about any piece of legislation that passes through the parliament. Have you noticed the sharp increase in unlicensed drivers in recent times ? For many people - and specially those living in Sydney's western suburbs - driving a car is almost the only way of getting the kids to school or the breadwinner to work. Take that license away - and you create a desperate citizen.
The whole idea of demerit points was to create a safer driving situation - and in most cases that was to control speeding. Demerit points have become a monster and now would be a good time for a complete review of the system to instill a little sanity. At the moment - demerit points are creating a reverse situation !

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