Wednesday 4 July 2007

The new terrorist threat - health !

The news that the recent attempted terrorist bombings in the United Kingdom were the work of a group of Muslim doctors adds a new dimension to jihad. It seems that the only saving grace that prevented mass slaughter was the incompetence of the bomb maker.
Up until this stage the general view of Muslim bombers ranged from brain washed youths sucked into a culture of mayhem by fundamentalist preachers or poorly educated labourers seduced by the glory of martyrdom - and the rewards promised in paradise for holy warriors.
It seems inconceivable that Muslims who have the intelligence and integrity to train and become doctors would abandon the Hippocratic oath and accept that it is Allah's will that they inflict mass slaughter on those who are not of their faith.
What is more chilling is the thought that doctors of that persuasion may be working in Australian hospitals - as evidenced by the arrest of one doctor recruited from the UK on a 457 visa and working at a Gold Coast hospital - and another with a similar background being questioned by ASIO.
The idea of doctors being inducted into the ranks of jihadists opens a new dimension. Our past visions of terrorism have revolved around those wearing explosive vests detonating themselves in public places to sinister, bearded men loading vehicles with explosives and placing them where they will inflict the most casualties.
Doctors with murder on their minds are something else again. They have the opportunity to introduce diseases that range from a recently discovered form of tuberculosis - that resists all known treatment - to scourges such as Ebola - which has a diabolical rate of infection.
If terrorist groups such as al Qaeda are recruiting with advanced terrorism in mind then we have a problem that needs immediate attention. Unfortunately there is no way of accurately separating jihadists from the majority law abiding Muslims so the logical outcome will be a resistance by most hospital boards to consider any Muslim doctor - or any doctor who trained in a Muslim country - for appointment to a position in an Australian hospital.
This will be seen as discrimination by many Muslims - and Australia will be the poorer for losing the services of the many Muslim doctors who serve us so well within our medical system - but the risk is simply too great not to err on the side of caution.

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