Friday 16 March 2007

Another train debacle !

On Wednesday, New South Wales premier Morris Iemma must have been wondering what he did to offend the Gods of politics.
A fully packed commuter train came to a shuddering halt on the Sydney Harbour bridge. It's pantograph had snagged the overhead power wires and the resulting loss of power halted all other trains on the city circuit and the north shore line.
It was all downhill from there. Not only did the railways communications fail, leaving passengers unaware of what had happened and what was being done to rescue them - but the passengers crowded into that stalled train were made to remain locked in the carriages for three hours - without air conditioning - and without toilets!
When help did arrive, a door at the end of the train was opened and passenger made to walk the tracks back to a North Sydney station. Women's shoes did not fare well walking on rough rail ballast.
These passengers then joined others from North Shore trains competing for room on the few bus services available - and just about everyone arrived home seriously late, disgruntled and unhappy with the service - and all this just a matter of days away from a state election !
Morris Iemma has abjectly apologised - once again ! But if the political Gods are still in an angry mood there may be more to come.
This Sunday the famed Sydney Harbour bridge attains it's seventy-fifth birthday, and to celebrate that event the bridge will be closed for most of the morning to allow two hundred thousand people to walk it's length.
Those intending to walk were asked to register a week ago, but no tickets were issued and there will be no way of knowing if the crowd that turns up is registered walkers or just plain gate crashers - and now the unions have become involved and intend to turn the bridge walk into a demonstration against workplace laws. Four thousand unionists - who are registered walkers - will be identified by wearing T shirts containing slogans.
Hopefully the political Gods may be smiling on Sunday, but if not the stage could be set for another political disaster if too many people try to walk in too little space and the event turns into a political demonstration.
And then there is the matter of crowd control when the walk is over. Will there be enough trains and buses to get the people home - or will it become a repeat of the visit of Queen Mary 2 ? Morris Iemma must hope that just this once " Murphy's Law " does not apply !

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