Wednesday 28 February 2007

Choosing the best doctor !

It is worthwhile spending a few minutes reviewing your present medical options. If you consult a regular doctor, how did this person become your doctor of choice ?
The chances are that it was by chance !
Many people choose their doctor either because someone they know consults that person - or in many cases because they see a surgery in the district where they live and present there for their medical needs.
If they are reasonably happy with the service provided - then that person becomes their regular doctor.
Unfortunately the level of service provided by members of the medical profession varies widely and patrons are well advised to consider how well their professional shapes up.
If the doctor is past fifty years of age there is a good chance that he is no longer following the rapid advances of medicine. We constantly read of medical advances in the media. It would be a good idea to test your doctor by mentioning such advances and asking his or her views. A negative reaction would be a sign of warning.
It would also pay to carefully take note of the surgery. Is it modern ? Does it have a computer ? Does it have EFTPOS facilities - or does the doctor demand cash or cheque ? If the doctor is not keeping up with modern technology then perhaps medical thinking also remains in another age.
The most important aspect of our lives - is our health. Without that, quality of life declines despite having the best job, heaps of money and a loving family. We strive to drive a safe and economical motor vehicle. We should take the same care when selecting the person who will manage our health. It pays to ask questions and evaluate that person in the white coat whose decisions will decide our fate !

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