Monday 5 April 2021

Keeping it Honest !

We value our right to " freedom of speech " but when it is misused there are consequences.  We have   access to the courts to sue for justice, but that is useless if the defamer hides his or her identity behind a false name and makes the attack through public media.

Facebook is a phenomenon that made its founder a billionaire and is a medium through which millions of people express their views. Mixed among them are " trolls " who get their kicks by creating negative images  and spreading disinformation.  In some cases they are agents of a foreign power and that disinformation is intended to influence the vote at elections by maligning  candidates they oppose.

Social media has long been the province of revenge attacks.  When relationships end it is not uncommon for the rejected party to publish photographs taken at the height of the romance that can only be described as pornographic.  This is personally humiliating to the person in the photograph and is seen by a wide audience.

Victims have had limited success in getting Facebook management to take down offensive material promptly and now the Federal government is examining ways to exert a degree of control not only on Facebook, but the many attributes that have emerged as dating apps which present a growing danger.

We are seeing an incidence of sexual assault and even rape arising from liaisons between total strangers introduced to one another on social media. Their known history is only what they choose to say to one another and in some cases this is the unfortunate connection of a trusting person with a psychopath.  It is not unusual for the rejected to pursue the instigator of a breakup with personal vilification over a long period of time.

The government is considering making it necessary for the applicant wanting a social media account to satisfy a hundred point table of personal identification in order to gain access to posting material on Facebook, Instagram or Twitter.   This would be similar to establishing an account to buy a mobile phone.

Basically, applicants would need to personally show the type of documentation accepted in Australia as an identity source.   That includes a photo driving license or its equivalent issued by the Traffic Authority, or a selection of bills from providers of gas, electricity or similar household services with that persons name and home address.

This is amongst the host of recommendations  arising from a parliamentary enquiry into ways and means of reducing family violence, sexual assault and deter hackers.  It would ensure that a complainant against any matter publicly posted could identify the author should the matter require court action.  It would simply end the era of the anonymous contributor.

If this becomes the legal position in gaining access to social media it in no way inhibits freedom of speech.  We simply accept responsibility for what we say, should the other party challenge the  truth expressed and take the matter to court.

That is the basic of our entire justice system.  It requires us to to ensure that any action we take remains within the jurisdiction of the law and be clearly identified if the truth is challenged.   Facebook and its attributes need to pass the " fairness "  test  !

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