Sunday 28 June 2020

A Dirty Old Man !

An independent enquiry found that Dyson Heydon was guilty of sexually harassing female associates and that his reputation for that sort of conduct was an open secret in the highest judicial circles.  Absolutely nothing was done to stop this abuse despite Heydon sitting as a justice on the highest court in Australia.

Since records began with the old testament of the bible, sex has been a problem for society.  The urge to copulate with a female is built into the psyche of evert male and it becomes active from puberty.  As every mother fears, this sex urge used to be a threat to virginity from the start of the courting ritual and daughters were urged to marry young to avoid this threat.

We now live in a more equal society and this has devalued the sex act to the extent it is now deemed a tradeable asset. Men with power in the business world know that an ambitious woman may trade sex for promotion or to a valued position for which many are seeking selection.  This was infamous in Hollywood where  the " casting couch " usually played a big part in the selection for starring roles.

There should be no surprise that sexual advantage took place in the precints of the High Court. A similar liason nearly saw the president of the United States turfed out of office on an impeachment charge and we should remember how that affair started. It seems that an intern in the White House encountered the president and struck up a conversation.   Somehow the subject turned to women's underwear and Monica volunteered that she was wearing a " thong ".   The president was unaware of that term, so Monica lifted her skirt to illustrate its brevity - and things started from there !

Dyson Heydon has been revealed as a " dirty old man " who uses the power of his office to entice young women to appease his exual appetite.  It is probable that the reputational damage may see him dropped from the board of prestigeous companies and shunned in the legal world.  It is unlikely he will be prosecuted because all of the women would have been over the age of consent.

It does send a strong message to society at large.  The predatory male using position to pressure subordinates for sex no longer has the benefit of silence for cover.  A company which does nothing to investigate and stop predatory behaviour risks exposure in the market place which may see both suppliers and customers shun their products.  Ignorance that the problem existed is no longer a defence for management.

If nothing else, it introduces a new factor for consideration in any new burgeoning relationship. Where any degree of seniority exists it poses a danger of misinterpretation because sex has become a very casual occurrence in social relationships.   The abilitty of women to speakup and accuse these violaters has changed the ground rules.  They are fast moving in the right direction.

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