Thursday 19 March 2020

Into The Unknown !

This Pandemic is taking us on an interesting journey and at this stage nobody can accurately predict just how it will turn out.  The pundits claim that we may be heading into a hundred billion dollar deficit when all the assistance to keep the economy running is added up.

Initially, the world tried the containment strategy.  The Covid-19 originated in Wuhan, China and Chinese movement around the world was heavily restricted in an effort to stop it reaching this country.   That clearly failed and the virus is now loose in the community and we are starting to see the panic effect as the population reacts.

The supermarkets have experienced a rush on goods customers are keen to stockpile in preparation for a coming siege.  Opening hours have been reduced and a limit placed on the number of items that can be passed through the checkouts at each visit.  Surprisingly, the item that heads the list is toilet paper, and that is not expected to play a major part in what is essentially an influenza epidemic.

The sporting world is the first casualty in a drive to reduce the number of people congregating together and assisting the spread of the virus. Most sporting contests have been either cancelled or held in empty stadiums and legislation is restricting group activities to crowds of less than five hundred people.  Industry is urged to have their employees work from home rather than attend a crowded office.

At this stage, the schools are still open although the universities have taken education online to try and service the vast number of overseas students prevented from returning to Australia to commence this years courses.   The world tourist industry has taken a hit and airline companies have been grounding planes and many cruise ships are stuck at sea as ports refuse them clearance to dock and discharge passengers.  It is obvious that this will be a lean year for the many activities that have made Australia a world tourist destination.

This was to be an Olympic year in Japan and that is still scheduled to proceed, although much will depend on how the virus progresses.  There is encouraging news on a virus vaccine development but that will need months of trials to eliminate safety concerns.   Each night the number of virus cases confirmed in Australia continues to climb in the news reports and it is now obvious to most thinking people that the world we knew is about to  change.

The world that emerges when this virus finally runs its course is going to look very different.  Many aspects of that old world will have faded away and been replaced with something entirely new.  These may be exciting time for the entrepreneur looking for new opportunities.  For most people what the future looks like will be dictated by the need for survival  !

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