Thursday 28 November 2019

When Music becomes A Weapon !

The live music scene in Australia is under threat because of drug use and a heavy handed police approach using sniffer dogs and strip searches.  The law requires a heavy presence of paramedics and doctors to be on site to treat drug overdoses and this is adding to costs. Unfortunately, this is becoming a hindrance to the emergence of new Australian  rap groups who need these events to draw audiences.

One such group by the name of " OneFour  ' has an international stream of thirty million followers  that stretches to both the USA and the UK,. but is battling to get live gigs in its own country.  It reports that cancellation of bookings is usually the result of police pressure.  The police claim their music is associated with " street level " crime because their lyrics  cover issues such as racism, marginalization and crime.

What is alarming is that this group also seems to be the pivot point of gang emergence in Australia. Western Sydney is fast splitting into two groups who are at war with one another and gang members refer to themselves as either the " greater west " or the " inner west ".   There is fear that if this goes unchecked it could develop into the type of gang warfare that convulsed New York city many decades ago.

The thinking seems to be that if OneFour are prevented from touring it will prevent these western Sydney gangs from establishing chapters in other Australian states. OneFour has become the police target simply because of the type of music they play.  Their Melbourne show has already been cancelled and both Perth and Sydney are now in doubt.

The emergence of gang culture in Australia is probably  remarkable by its absence.  Sydney is Australia's biggest city and its western suburbs are the melting pot of many different races, cultures, religions and vastly differing lifestyles.   The " west " sees itself as very different from the established " north shore " and its residents tend to vigorously support sporting teams which base themselves west of the city.

Australia has produced many bands that have gone on to international success and in most cases the authorities have not been comfortable with their lyrics, but this is the first time police pressure has been used to cancel live performances to cancel out street crime.  It is quite possible that OneFour may decide to establish their base overseas if gigs in Australia are blocked and that could still provoke the support of these two western based gang groups.

The police would be wise to understand a tenet of pop culture.  If something is banned, it immediately adds to its allure.  Cancelling OneFour concerts will probably have the exact opposite effect of what was intended  !

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