Sunday 3 February 2019

A Salmonella Alert !

A warning from the New South Wales Food Authority sends a chill through people who are fond of any sort of food that is derived from eggs.   It seems that a batch of eggs may be lurking on the shelves of household refrigerators that are contaminated with Salmonella.

Fortunately, suspect eggs can easily be identified.  The people doing the cooking should look for the letters " BEC " or " BEC115 " printed on the eggshell.  If this is found, it is imperative that the eggs be thrown out and not used.

This warning comes at the very worst of time with many households turning to salads because of the extreme hot weather this summer.   The humble egg is a major ingredient of many meals and now we find that it is susceptible to salmonella infection during its journey from high intensity egg faming to the supermarket shelves from which our food supply is drawn.

Along with the warning about these branded eggs, the Food Authority has issued a general warning that people preparing food should use extreme caution when handling this farm product.  They should be diligent in washing their hands before and after contact with eggs and be vigilant in avoiding contact with the raw egg product.

We typically see a rise in Salmonella poisoning in the warm summer months and the people most vulnerable are those with a compromised immune system,  those under two years of age or over seventy - and women who are pregnant.  There has been 412 cases of Salmonella infection in New South Wales this year and a month of summer remains.

Salmonella is an unpleasant affliction.  It usually announces its presence by way of fever, headaches, diarrhoea, abdominal pains, nausea and vomiting.  It requires prompt medical attention.  Hopefully, this health warning may bring the risks associated with egg products into sharper focus.  The egg is so commonplace that most people think it is harmless.

One of the dangers present over a lingering lunch is the fact that salad remains on the table and exposed to warm temperatures when it would be better returned to the refrigerator after the initial serving.  Cooks would also be wise to pay close attention to the use-by date on the eggs in storage in their refrigerator.

Considering that eggs are an ingredient in a wide range of cooked products, this warning is timely. It is highly likely that most of the " unsettled stomach " incidents we experience from time to time are a mild exposure to the perils that eggs deliver.

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