Monday 7 May 2018

Illegal Laser Weapons !

One of the biggest fears at the outbreak of the second world war was the question of poison gas warfare.  It was banned by international treaties, but the Germans first used it as a battlefield weapon in the first world war and consequently British civilians were issued with gas masks in case the Luftwaffe began dropping gas on British cities.

Gas and similar chemical weapons use bans have been strictly observed by the great powers ever since but they have appeared in several civil wars and chemical warfare laboratories are constantly developing updated versions in a technology race.   Many military arsenals contain a reserve of banned weapons so they can respond if subjected to a surprise attack, if that eventuates.

One of the developments since the second world war has been the laser and that is subject to bans to prevent its use on battlefields to blind opposing troops.  It would be a cruel and inhumane weapon and most nations have signed on to agreements that forbid its use as a battlefield weapon.

China has established its first overseas base in  Djibouti and this is just twenty-nine kilometres from America's Camp Lennonier which is the headquarters of the US Africa command.  It is inevitable that military aircraft from both bases must share common airspace and it is reported that China has aimed lasers at American pilots to partially blind and disorient them.

This is a claim that China rejects and the Chinese  Defense Ministry has released a statement claiming " China always strictly abides by international law and the law of the country of residency and is committed to maintain regional security and stability ".

That statement is in direct contravention of its actions in the South China Sea.  The international court has rejected China's claim to sovereignty and yet it has created artificial islands from shallow sand and rock protrusions and challenges ship and aircraft movements in what is an international trade route.  Despite specifically promising to maintain these islands in a civilian capacity it has installed radar and missile threats and projected power over what are international waters.

Trade wealth is enabling China to rapidly expand its naval presence and it seems likely that to service the ships it will require more bases and negotiations are underway to establish one in the lower south Pacific area.   It is likely that China will claim that these are needed to protect its trade routes with the rest of the world.   It seems inevitable that this will rub friction with the US navy which is clearly the worlds biggest sea power.

This laser use is alarming. It seems likely that the Chinese may be experimenting to see if limited use can disorient opposing pilots and cause malfunction to enemy weapons systems but if the principle of unlimited warfare is being adopted it will certainly extend to all sides.  We would be opening a juggernaut of unpreceded proportions.

It is encouraging that we managed to end the second world war without gas being used as a doomsday weapon.   The nuclear bomb has probably been the main reason we have not progressed to world war three.  It remains to be seen if we have the courage and common sense to convince the powers who compete for military advantage to keep chemical and biological weapons locked away from combat and lasers being used to turn blindness into a war weapon.

Some of the scenarios possible might make the end of the human race seem a blessing !

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