Sunday 31 December 2017

Happy New Year.

Tonight we say goodbye to two thousand and seventeen - and welcome in a brand new year. That is something we celebrate with fireworks and in Sydney more than a million people will seek vantage points around the harbour to see an extravaganza of fire in the sky.

A new year is usually a time for making resolutions but this time the main feeling seems to be one of "hope " !  Most hope that they and their family will be safe from the lone wolf terror attacks that are sweeping the world and as they make their way to the fireworks they will see many more armed police amongst the crowds and see evidence of bollards and parked heavy vehicles placed to thwart cars being used as a weapon.

Many have misgivings about our economy.  Worries about the return of recession have not entirely evaporated and wages have ben stagnant for some time.  There is a fear in many minds that artificial intelligence is creeping closer and may rob them of their job.  Young people are finding it hard to plan a career and a basic education no longer ensures even a living wage.

Many now despair that they will ever own their own home.  That old dream of a three bedroom home on a quarter acre block has morphed into a two bedroom unit in a city tower somewhere - and that is only for the lucky ones who are earning enough to pay the mortgage.  There is a huge waiting list for public housing and we have a growing homeless problem.

Few seem happy with the politicians from either side of politics.  Endless bickering and point scoring has replaced census and cooperation to actually make the economy run smoothly.  Australia is a lesser power in an angry world and the major players are playing dangerous games of brinkmanship while armed with nuclear weapons.  There is a distinct chance that we may enter a new arms race with nuclear weapons having a wider distribution.  Old alliances are breaking down and new ones forming.

Despite all this gloom and doom Australia is still the best place in the world to live and we have a constant stream of hopefuls beating at our door and seeking entry.  On any sunny day our beaches are packed and we are a sporting nation that treats our sporting heros with love and devotion.  We are not intimidated by this threatening world and that old axiom of  " she'll be right, Mate "  applies.

Tonight - Australia will just celebrate in the usual Australian way.  Many will drink too much alcohol.   Many will not bother to barge through the inevitable traffic crush and will sleep on a beach or in a park.   A few will get arrested and spend the night in a police cell.  Sadly, many will drive a car when they shouldn't - and risk disaster to themselves and others.

Two thousand and eighteen is a year we will bend to our own desires and accomplishments.  We will deal with the good and the bad as they come along, as has been the Australian way through wars and recessions, drought and bushfires, cyclones and tidal waves.   When midnight comes around we will  wish one another - a Happy New Year !

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