Wednesday 19 July 2017

Delivering a Message !

The attraction between a man and a woman is a very powerful emotion.  The history books record instances when thwarted romance has led to war between countries and sometimes rulers have given up their throne - for a woman.    In everyday life we see this cause family breakups.  Many a divorce starts with one of the partners finding more fulfilling sex with someone else.   In the vast majority of cases it is the lure of forbidden sex that starts the downward spiral.

The modern business world throws men and women together and increases temptation - but certain rules apply.  It is generally understood that it is unwise for a relationship to develop between a person in authority and someone who reports to that person.  Many see that as grossly unfair.  That person in authority has coercive powers and the ability to grant benefits.  It is not an equal relationship, specially when one of the lovers is married to another person.

Just such a situation has been working its way through the court system.   It involved a woman named Amber and her boss named Tim, who was the CEO of a media company. Amber had. the position of Tim's " executive assistant " and as such drew an impressive salary and had a company credit card.  She was authorised to travel and entertain and sign off on company expenses.  It was a position that held both prestige and power - and this working relationship developed a personal aspect - they became lovers !

Many months later, reality intervened. Their interconnection was no longer secret and was embarrassingly known in company circles.  The company suggested that Amber terminate her employment and offered several hundred thousand dollars severance pay with the condition that she sign a confidentiality agreement.  Reluctantly, Amber agreed.

Sometime later, she had second thoughts - and went public.  It seems she was furious that the company had chosen to pardon Tim for his lapse of judgement and retained him as CEO while it had cast her aside.  She released a number of damaging assertions and took the position as the" wronged woman ", gaining support from feminist causes.   The case became a celebrity issue in the nightly news.  Her former employer hit back with accusations of  inappropriate spending when a credit card was under her control.

This matter has finally ended in a judgement by the Supreme Court.   The court found that Amber had made allegations she could not substantiate and acted unreasonably with the media company. She was ordered to pay her old employers costs on an indemnity basis  which is higher than costs usually awarded in legal disputes.   She will have to pay the entire bill, probably running into hundreds of thousands of dollars.   Amber reports that this will involve her bankruptcy.

It is not a happy ending for Amber.  The publicity has permanently closed any chance of obtaining an executive assistant position with any other employer.  The Supreme Court seems to have delivered a message that when someone signs a confidentiality agreement and accepts compensation they are expected to stick to the terms agreed.  It remains to be seen if her old employer forces her into bankruptcy  - or lets the matter drop.

This case did not deliver a moral judgement on love affairs between people in authority and underlings.  If that was the intent, then it failed.   Those that fail to resist that ever present temptation simply invite disaster - and it usually follows !

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