Friday 28 August 2015

Gay Propaganda ?

Lurid media headlines will make " Gayby Baby " a must see for many people.  There is nothing like controversy to get patrons streaming through theatre doors.   Oldies will remember a film way back in the 1950's titled " The Outlaw " which starred Jane Russell.   Apparently her cleavage was a bit daring for that day and the Pope was conned into branding it " scandalous " - and declaring it a sin for any Catholic to go to the theatre to view it.   Of course, it broke box office records !

Gayby Baby is an educational film that has a PG rating and it explores this rising world of gay parenting.  It gives thoughtful insight in how same sex couples go about bringing up offspring and how this meshes with the interplay of school, sport and every other aspect of life where their lifestyle differs from that of other " straight "  parents.

What was unusual was that Burwood Girls High school in Sydney intended to suspend ordinary classes and show this film to it's 1200 students, some of whom are as young as twelve years old - and they did not ask the permission of parents.

It generated an upswell of rage and many contended that it was simply " gay propaganda " that was offensive to the moral and religious views of many, and that it was a sinister attempt to promote gay rights by using it as extracurricular viewing by way of compulsory attendance.  This resulted in the plan being instantly cancelled and since the subject has been swirling in media conjecture, with heated argument from both sides of the debate.

The logical outcome is that Gayby Baby will probably be shown in a regular movie theatre which charges a fee and attending a showing will be a matter of choice.  Obviously, those with a distaste for the same sex lifestyle will not encourage their children to attend, and in all probability this film will make an appearance eventually on free to air television    The public will then be able to make it's own judgement on whether this is a genuine attempt to demystify gay parenting - or a sinister attempt to break down standards by the use of gay propaganda ?

Once again we are confronted with the vexing question of parental control on what degree of sexual knowledge can flow to their children through the education system.  There are still a percentage of mothers who find it difficult to prepare their daughters for the onset of menstruation.  Some even oppose personal hygiene instruction in schools which takes care of this problem and religious dogma often conflicts with what is taught in the science curriculum.

Sadly, children who are shielded from the real world are often way out of step with the world their parents inhabit.  The  " Gays " came out of the closet a long time ago and in most schools there are kids who openly talk about their life with same sex parents.   What seems " normal " in the school yard morphs into " forbidden " when they return home.  It must be a confusing life, torn between two cultures and playing different roles to avoid conflict.

For both teachers and politicians it is like tippy toeing through a minefield.   There is a percentage of the public which is completely unbending with their views of morality.  On the other extreme, some households are simply sleeping and feeding stations - and no rules or constraints apply to either adults or children.

It seems that Gaby Baby is just one small step on the learning road to allow children to evaluate life - and make their own decisions.   Eventually, they will be the ones to make these same decisions when it concerns their own children !

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