Monday 12 January 2015

An Unwinnable War !

We are seeing a new phenomenon emerging as young people become disenchanted with the traditional pathways of life.  A growing number are leaving school with no intention of applying for a job and earning a weekly pay packet.  Jobs scarcity and low wages are a disincentive but the prospect of easy money is evident judging by the flashy lifestyles of those already supplying drugs in their community.

If they start young, they know that the laws are in their favour.  They can count on numerous warnings if they get caught carrying a small quantity of drugs when they are below age eighteen, and even after attaining their majority it is most unlikely that they will receive even a small prison term after numerous convictions.   They may have many trips to a police charge room - but avoid time in a prison cell with impunity.

One of the problems is that supplying drugs is very profitable.   They are a sought after commodity and there are big numbers of willing customers at any music festival or gathering of young people.  The police have stepped up detection at entrances with sniffer dogs and body searches, but that is just the normal risk of doing business.  Inventive minds find new ways to overcome obstacles.

Parents despair but many entrants to the drug trade make it quite clear that a life of crime is their choice and they have no intention of becoming a "wage slave " doing a boring job for little money. The profits from drugs tend to validate that option.  It is all a matter of contacts.  The safest course is to be a "middle man - far away from the source of manufacturing or imports, which bring serious penalties, but handling just sufficient a quantity to service a client base and produce a rich and steady income.

Of course, drugs are a competitive business.  Suppliers guard their turf jealously and a newcomer can expect hostilities - and often that has the backing of serious criminal gangs which "own "certain areas of the city.   There is little honour amongst thieves and most dealers recount instances where they have had "stashes "stolen, or been roughedup to persuade them to seek a new avenue to operate.

Like most businesses, running drugs produces it's crop of successes - and failures.  Some become addicted to the product they are selling and others fall under the control of "standover "types who cream off the profits and leave them to take the risks.   It is a risky business, but those with the gumption to overcome adversity and the skill to negotiate with their supplier can become a "somebody "driving a flash car and with money to spend to attract admiration.

Few young people making drugs their lifetime decision realise how quickly they become locked in to that criminal lifestyle.  Their total lack of other types of job experience isolate them from the traditional workforce and their accumulation of a police record will see them shunned by employers should they wish to turn over a new leaf.   Their lack of a clear earning history makes them unattractive in the economic world - and getting a home mortgage will be near impossible - and then there is the "reputation "discredit that follows them through society.

Unfortunately, it is a proven fact that drugs are an unwinnable war.   As long as there is demand, supply will follow and as long as drugs remain illegal prices will reflect the risk involved by the supplier - and deliver profits to the bold and adventurous.

It seems that the lure of easy money is resulting in a lost generation !

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