Monday 23 June 2014

Holy War !

There is well founded concern that Australian jihadists fighting in Middle East conflicts may unleash the tactics they have learned in training camps if they manage to return to this country.  Australia could be a fertile breeding ground for recruitment amongst young men disenchanted by lack of job opportunities and enamoured by prospect of becoming " holy warriors ".   There is direct evidence of this having happened in both London and Madrid - and in both instances it resulted in carnage against totally innocent people going about their normal daily businesses.

All forms of religion are capable of distorting the norms of civilized behaviour when adherents are goaded by religious leaders.   The history of this world contains a litany of conflicts of almost unbelievable savagery that encompass the full spectrum of religious observance.  In some cases the conflict has involved civil war within a particular religion.  In others it is a quest for domination - seeking to impose a particular religion by force of arms on others.

In many instances this call to arms does not originate with the traditional religious leaders.   Firebrands emerge with a compelling case to make war in the name of their religion and one of these was Osama bin Laden.   His dream was a world caliphate in which the Sunni branch of Islam reigned supreme, and he was prepared to dispense death to all who opposed his message.    Bin Laden no longer exists, but his ideas have spawned copyists who project needless cruelty far beyond even his standards - and who are now rejected by his true followers.   " No quarter " is the message these new religious leaders give to the world.

Unfortunately, this Islamic awakening is spreading across the entire Islamic world.   The " Islamic Spring " is deposing dictators - but often replacing them with religious fanatics - to the horror of secular followers of Islam who took part in rebellions in the hope of creating a secular country that could live in peace with it's neighbours - and with it's internal mix of citizens.

It seems inevitable that religious intolerance will continue to grow in Australia, irrespective of whether we can contain the jihadists from returning to this country.    The seeds of jihad are now firmly planted in Australian soil and they will be constantly nourished by the events happening in other parts of the world.   It is clear that Islam is on the rise.   Jihad is raging across Africa and the old dynasties of the Middle East  seem incapable of change -  and are under increasing threat.

There are some here in Australia who constantly preach the message of jihad - and there are those that will heed that call.     It is most likely that most Australian Muslims will ignore that message, but it is also almost inevitable that from time to time this religious fervour will result in incidents, and some of them may be of an extremity that results in loss of life - or at least severe injury.

Religeous extremism is a world problem and Australia can not expect to be exempted.  Most people will counter it with common sense and the agencies tasked with protecting us will no doubt take measures to keep it in check.   Unfortunately, experience in other places show that legality is not always observed and such battles have their dark side.

This is the price we have to pay for adopting a secular society and allowing the complete freedom of religeous observance by all.  What is seen as " freedom " by some people - is seen as a " challenge " by others.

Fortunately, it will be the relatively " few " trying to impose their will on the " many " that will bring this disruption to Australian society !

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