Sunday 15 September 2013

Back to the drawing board !

Just when the banks thought they had the security system wrapped up, along comes a new breed of bank bandits who pull off a daring bank raid, right in the teeming CBD of Sydney.

Logical thinking had it that banks were vulnerable to bandits attacking from the public area, hence the installation of " fly up " screens provided an impenetrable wall between the bandits - and the money.

These shrewd bandits did their homework and realised that all that stood between the rear of the tellers area - was a glass shop front window.  Once penetrated, they were behind the " fly up " wall and precisely where the bank keeps it's money.

It also seems that these bandits wanted to make their raid something of a fashion statement.   The stolen car they used to ram their way in through the glass wall was a quarter million dollar Porsche, and the waiting getaway car was a state of the art Subaru WRX.

No guns were used.  Sledge hammers cleared the debris left by the front of the Porsche and the raid was over in less than two minutes.   The whole affair was witnessed by hundreds of stunned pedestrians - and filmed on smartphones by many.

The outcome will be predictable.   Bank security will be pouring over the building plans of their entire branch network.  An amazing number of branches are in malls or on streets where this bank plan is common and  a glass wall is the only barrier to the staff area. It simply never occurred to the planners that this presented an opportunity for thieves, despite ram raids being used to try and access ATM's.

No doubt this security discrepancy will be quickly eliminated, but it does illustrate a fact of life that has plagued the leaders of armies for centuries.  Just when you think you have all bets covered, the other side adopts a new tactic that leads to defeat.

That is a truism that applies to the commercial world as well as the military.  The " smart guys " are to be found on both sides of the moral divide !

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