Tuesday 15 May 2012

Be very afraid !

The lives of the seven billion people who call this planet home are about to undergo change.   Change is in the air, and the only problem is to determine what shape that change will take.

Nearly a hundred years ago the world experienced the first world war.  It was the bloodiest war on record and it led to a man named Lenin proposing an alternative form of government.   Russia executed the Czar and embraced Communism - and with that the entire world order changed.

Fifteen years later the economy of the world crashed when the " Great Depression " put millions out of work, and in Germany the despair of the people caused them to reluctantly accept National Socialism - and a man named Adolph Hitler rose to power.

Once again a fiscal catastrophe is nibbling at the world economy.  Half a dozen of previously civilized European countries have massive numbers of their citizens on the dole - and they can't pay their national debts. The entire Middle East is aflame.   The citizens are in the streets, facing death to unseat tyrants and there is every prospect that when the tyrants retreat they will leave behind them religious wars.

It seems unrealistic to expect a soft landing.   Already the vacuum left by banished despots is morphing into religious intolerance and we are seeing the emergence of factions like al Qaeda - who insist that all who fail to follow their hard line stance must be put to death.    Offshoots are causing carnage in Asia and Africa - and this will be exacerbated by financial power  gravitating quickly from west to east.

So - somewhere on the planet - a visionary will come up with a new idea of how to run this world.  It will probably sound as Utopian as the principles of Communism or National Socialism were to those mired in abject poverty and hopelessness.

The stirrings of discontent are roiling the nations and the old order of things are not providing answers.

This seems to be a time to consider the future with trepidation !

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