Friday 27 May 2011

The eye in the sky !

For centuries we have believed that the Spinx and the great pyramids of Egypt were all that remained of a lost civilization.   At the same time, many people railed at the cost of space exploration - claiming that the money would be better spent here on earth.

The use of space has returned many benefits to the citizens of this planet,  and now a new wonder has been revealed.   Satellites with infra-red imaging capabilities scanning the earth's surface look deep underground - and they have found no less than seventeen new pyramids buried beneath the sands of the desert - plus a thousand previously unknown tombs.   Scientists on foot - equipped with picks and shovels - have confirmed these finds.

Right now planet earth is going through a minerals boom.   China and India are rapidly converting from an agrarian mode to a developed society - and to do this they need to consume huge amounts of the planet's natural resources.   The need for these minerals must expand further as Africa and other parts of the developing world join the treasure hunt.

Eventually - and that could be as soon as another hundred years - we will have exhausted the capacity of this planet to deliver the riches to sustain development - and that is where space will come into it's own.  A hundred years from now our space programmes should allow mining to be extended to other heavenly bodies - and we may even be well advanced in colonising other worlds.

Finding new pyramids will add little value to sustaining this world, but it is a prime example of what can be achieved by science and how future development can solve coming problems that are inevitable if we continue to consume the earth's treasure at the present rate.

Money spent on building rockets and sending humans into space may be our only hope of self preservation - if the world population continues to double at ever decreasing intervals of time.

Without a pressure valve - we may eventually be reduced to " standing room only ! "

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