Wednesday 16 June 2010

The money trap !

Hordes of people dream of winning Lotto - or suddenly becoming seriously wealthy because the bank puts a few million dollars into their account.

It seems that both things happen - but only one is legal !

Months ago some dopey bank clerk added a few zeros to a funds transfer - and a Sydney couple found that they had ten million dollars in their account. They couldn't believe their luck - and transferred the sum oversea - and bolted !

They are now fugitives , and if the law catches up with them they will probably do gaol time - and lose any money recovered.

Another case involved a single man who suddenly found a few spare millions had been credited to his savings account. Being a cunning fellow he did nothing - and allowed the capital to grow interest while he ignored it.

When the error was discovered he claimed the interest - but - sadly - no cigar and no luck in the court. The bank retrieved their money - and the interest.

It seems the only hope for the little guy when Lady Luck smiles in this way is the chance that the error will go undetected until the statute of limitations runs out.

But even then the banks would probably continue to appeal all the way to the high court.

Better luck might be had buying a regular Lotto ticket !

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