Thursday 26 November 2009

Time for a reality check !

Amazing scenes in Federal parliament yesterday. Calls for a spill - and the opposition leader survived to fight another day.

There seems to be a huge lack of perception between some members of the Liberal and National parties - and some scientists - on this global warming question, and even that argument is split on several lines.

There are those who think that increased Co2 has absolutely nothing to do with global warming, and in fact results in a healthier planet.

Others contend that planet earth has had natural ice ages and warmer periods and this melting of the ice caps is simply a cycle that will run it's course.

A third line of thinking agrees that human activity is causing climate change, but objects to an ETS on the grounds that nothing will halt what is occurring naturally - and the consequences of taxing carbon will shatter the world economy and result in ruin. This group promotes the only answer as - " Get used to it ! "

Public opinion polls reveal that the vast majority of people are convinced that the Co2 spewed out by the industrialized world is causing the ice caps to melt and the seas to rise, and are prepared to endure some pain to try and reverse this danger.

There is little point in Australia embarking on an ambitious harm reduction programme if the rest of the world gives it the flick pass - and it seems likely that is what will happen next month in Copenhagen.

All the indicators are that there will be no binding targets set and all that will eventuate is a lot of vague promises - that sound great but have no meaning on actual action.

If so, global warming and rising seas will find themselves consigned to " the too hard basket " - and the only remaining option will be " get used to it ! "

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