Saturday 24 October 2009

Return of the Swastika !

Many people will feel unease at the reappearance in Britain of a far right fascist party which has managed to secure sufficient voter support to elect two members to the European parliament.

The BNP ( British National Party ) runs on a platform of only admitting white people to party membership - and campaigns to stop further immigration to the British Isles.

That seems way out of step with the ideals of the country that brought the world Magna Carta and habeas corpus, but then Germany was a civilized country until events brought Adolph Hitler and the Nazi's to power - and ushered in atrocities that included the Holocaust.

What set Germany on a path to destruction was a combination of events. They were the loser in the first world war - had an unjust peace treaty imposed on them - suffered dire effects from the 1929 world recession - and had an incompetent government in office, unable to lead them out of trouble.

In desperation, the voters turned to Hitler.

There are ominous parallels in present world events.

The western world is far from winning the struggle with militant Islam. Many people are far from happy at the flow of refugees forcing their way and demanding entry as a right - and we are having a world recession that proves that our system of commerce is vulnerable to sudden collapse.

All that the rise of the BNP proves is that no country is safe from extremism - given the right cirsumstances.

Those that fail to learn from history - are destined to repeat it !

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