Tuesday 28 July 2009

The health system !

The proposal to re-work the national health system is probably the most important initiative since Federation !

There is no doubt that the existing state run - Federal supported hospital system is in terminal decline and not meeting the needs of the Australian community. It would be tempting for the bureaucracy to tinker about the edges and make cosmetic changes - but instead we are being presented with a fundamental fresh start.

The Federal government is proposing a takeover of the national hospital system - the addition of a dental care system to public health - the separation of elective and emergency services - and the creation of a personal electronic health record for all Australian citizens.

The most important change is that this will not be introduced by diktat - but by a careful crafting of a proposal to be considered by both the Federal government and the states and territories.

If this proposal does not get wide acceptance and a nod from the state governments - then it will be put to the people - by a referendum at the next election.

This is the biggest shakeup of health since the introduction of Medicare and the final decision will be a democratic vote by all the citizens who will be affected by the new scheme - and who will be the ones paying for it.

If dental becomes part of the health scheme there will probably be a lift in the Medicare levy on taxable income for all citizens, and there will have to be a vast financing change between the Commonwealth and the states if the Federal purse pays hospital costs.

The devil will be in the detail, and there will be differences of opinion between the various departments, but in the end the decision will rest in the hands of the ordinary people of this land - and that is surely democracy in action.

Self interest - politics - and a whole host of other factors will make this a torrid debate over many months - but then health is probably one of the most important factors of our lives - and we now have the opportunity to re-jig the whole system and create the health system of our dreams.

And best of all. The final decision will be in the hands of the people !

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