Tuesday 30 June 2009

The " OzCar " fallout !

It is a fact of life that politicians tell lies - and for that reason we take what they say with a grain of salt !

As part of the job, politicians disparage each other, but there are limits on what is acceptable behaviour - and in the OzCar saga a line has been crossed.

It seems that an email has been created and planted to create the impression that both the Prime Minister and the Federal Treasurer misled parliament and used their offices to reward a donor to their political party. Such a suggestion - if proven - would question their integrity and right to serve in the nation's parliament.

Suspicion that this originated as a ploy by the leader of the Opposition, Malcolm Turnbull has resulted in his disapproval rating soaring to near sixty percent - and his ability to retain office is now in question.

He may survive or he may be replaced, but whatever happens it is unlikely that it will have any effect on what is clearly " the political cycle ".

Politics in Australia follows a predictable pattern. The hold of government alternates between the socialists and the conservatives. When a change of government takes place the voters usually give the incoming regime several renewals before the cycle returns and the party in opposition starts to make progress towards a win.

The Rudd government is at the start of such a cycle in office and it would be unusual for there to be opposition gains, nomatter who is in the lead role.

The important thing now for the opposition is for them to sort themselves out and start getting ready for that next cycle. It is inevitable that eventually the Rudd government will run out of support - and lose at the ballot box.

How soon that happens depends on it's performance and skill in making sound decisions - and how quickly the party in opposition develops appealing policies - and produces a leader with charisma that gains the confidence of the voting public.

It is these conflicting skills that determine the timing of the next electoral cycle !

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