Monday 8 September 2008

The pendulum swings !

Australians are canny voters. During the years of John Howard's coalition government in Canberra they had " two bob each way " by installing Labor governments in the states and territories.

Now the pendulum is swinging the other way. Labor is in power in Canberra - and there is a mood of change in the state government scene.

An election in the Northern Territory saw a healthy Labor majority reduced to a perilous one seat knife edge. This weekends West Australian election is balanced on a choice by the Nationals who hold the balance of power. Labor governments in the other states are looking over their shoulders as public sentiment swiftly changes.

Nowhere is this more apparent than in New South Wales. There would have been a change of government here eighteen months ago except for the sheer stupidity of what the opposition offered.

Since then the state government has degenerated further into farce - and now new premier Nathan Rees has the job before him. He seems a competent sort with a no nonsense attitude, but the job of dragging this state back from the abyss will be daunting.

The problem is that this state is broke. There is not enough money being generated to even keep the present level of services running, let alone fund the projects promised.

Rees will need to bite the bullet and introduce some mighty unpopular measures - such as hefty tax and charge increases - if he hopes to turn things around.

At least he is being honest - which is a change from the spin of the last premier and his ministers - and citizens will be inclined to give him a go as long as he maintains transparency.

It's a case of buckle your seatbelts and hold on tight - theres a mile or so of rocky road ahead !

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