Thursday 5 June 2008

The unworthy one !

Barack Obama has finally secured the Democratic party nomination. His tally of votes from the primaries and now a rush of " super delegates " to his banner exceeds the magic number for victory - but Hilary Clinton still refuses to concede.

Clinton has now demonstrated that she is unworthy to attain the highest office in the United States. She puts her personal pique and ego above that of both her political party and her country.

Instead of graciously conceding and doing her best to swing her supporters behind Obama she is selfishly holding out to negotiate terms for her own benefit.

Early in the primaries - when she failed to win in a landslide - she had to put her own money into the campaign - and she now wants it back. The Clintons are not poor people. They are both multi-millionaires and Bill Clinton gets a king's ransom for speaking engagements. After this contest, Hilary will command similar sums.

Perhaps Hilary is holding out in the hope of achieving " second prize " - the VP position. Hopefully this will be denied her because the job of a vice president is to support the president - and Hilary has demonstrated that this is not her style.

Unfortunately how Hilary handles the situation could be decisive in the coming battle between Obama and John McCain. If she fails to deliver her supporters to back Obama the chance of a Democrat victory could fade.

Perhaps the United States has had a lucky escape that an unworthy person is not running for the highest office in the land. Many voters will be turned off by her ongoing machinations for personal gain at the expense of party unity !

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