Friday 18 April 2008

The razor gang strikes !

New CEO David Farmer has used the opportunity of Wollongong council's sacking and the appointment of an administrator to put council finances in order.

His razor gazng exercise will reduce the $ 15 million deficit to $ 4.4 million, but this will not be without pain for just about everybody. Council staff face overtime bans. Ambitious projects such as " The Blue Mile " and badly needed renovations to the city mall will go onto the backburner - and may face years in the wilderness.

Ratepayers face a 5.7% rate increase, adding about $ 50 to the average bill - and annual fees and charges are scheduled to increase from a return of $ 26 million to $ 38 million by 2017/18. Expect everything from the fee to register your dog to the fee to dump rubbish at the tip to go through the roof !

One important project that will feel the razor's thrust is the proposed West Dapto access road. The cost is simply beyond Wollongong Councils resources at this stage and it seems that the suburbs of West Dapto and Horsley will have to make-do with the overloaded Bong Bong Road - the only access to these suburbs.

The problem with Bong Bong road is that it is incapable of handling the present traffic volumes, given that it is intersected by a busy rail line - and it floods on a regular basis. The proposed new road over the F-6 was promised decades ago and is deemed essential - given that the government is proposing a massive land release and a population surge in the West Dapto area.

If this access road is to be again deferred - it would be reasonable to expect that a similar ban be imposed on any further land release for home building in West Dapto. The chaos on Bong Bong road at morning and afternoon peak - and at school times is simply unbelievable. Citizens have a right to expect reasonable access to their homes. It is not acceptable to be stuck in traffic jams, waiting for long goods trains to pass through the intersection - and be isolated from work, shops, schools and families on a regular basis after heavy rain.

The new access road seems to be a council matter - but the land release is under the control of the state government. Unfortunately governments - and this government in particular - have a habit of ignoring similar problems and granting consent for new suburbs, regardless of the chaos their decision imposes on all concerned.

It seems to be a case of " To the barricades - citizens of Wollongong ". If the state government seeks to go ahead with the West Dapto land release - then the people of Wollongong must demand that the state government pickup the tab for this new access road.

A promise will not do. Before the first block is sold, a tender must be let - and the first sod turned. Given the performance of this government in the area of broken promises - nothing less will suffice !

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