Tuesday 8 January 2008

Pets on death row !

The RSPCA is swamped with unwanted cats and dogs. That is a regular event at this time of year when the breeding season coincides with the giving season - and many cute little kittens or puppies become Christmas presents.

The flood of animals to the pound is exacerbated when the traditional new year fireworks display terrifies dogs and cats in loving homes and causes them to escape. Some end up as road kill, but many others are eventually collected roaming free by council rangers - and for most their end is euthanasia.

What we desperately need is a reduction in the breeding of unwanted cats and dogs. Huge numbers of people simply do not bother to have their animals neutered - mostly because of the cost involved. They are then confronted with an unwanted litter of kittens or pups - and so the cycle starts again.

The problem goes beyond the emotional trauma of animals on death row. Many dogs and cats go feral, decimating wild life and causing financial loss to farmers. Strays roam the streets, fouling footpaths and parks - and some breeds can be aggressive and a danger to the public.

Neutering is already subsidised for pensioners, but the time has come for a bigger government approach. It is time government subsidies were extended to provide a free neutering service to all those who present pets.

It would be costly, but such an initiative should use the carrot and stick approach. Those found to have an un-neutered dog or cat - excluding registered breeders - should be hit with a draconian fine which would help fund the free programme.

It would remove the " couldn't afford it " excuse for disobeying the law, and if the penalty was sufficiently draconian the compliance rate would make a huge difference !

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