Sunday 30 September 2007

Our coming enemy - the sun !

Look at a picture of a crowd scene from sixty years ago and one factor stands out - all the men wore hats.
Look at a similar crowd scene today - and most of the men are bare headed - and those that have head covering are wearing a baseball cap.
Fashion comes and fashion goes but two factors are converging that are going to send a lot of people to an early grave.

The earth is getting hotter. That is no longer a theory and there is every reason to suppose that the trend will accelerate nomatter what we do in the short term to reduce carbon emissions.
Our lifestyle and fashions have changed from the dreary mid twentieth century and we tend to expose more flesh these days. The height of women's hemlines raises and lowers from year to year, but bare arms and bare legs are normal street wear - and on the beach we wear the absolute minimum.

Australia is the country most prone to Melanoma - the most deadly skin cancer of that diabolical causer of death which comes in so many forms - and yet it is also the most preventable.
We can do little to definitely ward of cancers that occur within the body, but by taking a few simple precautions Melanoma is avoidable.
The problem is - few of us bother !

The answer seems simple. If we can somehow create a sense of fashion that makes hats an accessory that becomes part of our lifestyle - and if the fashion guru's dictate long sleeves and trousers for day wear - then the cancer surgeons will have a lot less work to do.
And while we are at it. Maybe the fashion people could wave their magic wand and make sun glasses de rigeur.
Too much exposure to the sun is also a major cause of blindness.

It's a nice theory. The only problem is that nobody has yet learned just what makes the fickle fancy of fashion suddenly bloom and make following it a necessity !

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