Sunday 15 April 2007


What has the western world learned from the war in Iraq ?
The enigma of the Middle East is probably best expressed in an ancient story told by wise men.
One day a frog and a scorpion found themselves stranded on the far bank of the Tigris river. Traditional enemies - they grudgingly worked out a plan to solve their problem.
" I could carry you across on my back " the frog said. " But we are enemies and you might attack me with your sting ". " Why would I do that ? " the scorpion answered. " If I were to sting you we would both drown because you would die ! "
Satisfied, the scorpion jumped on the frogs back and they started the crossing. Halfway across, the scorpion suddenly plunged it's weapon into the frog's back - and they both drowned.
What is the moral of this story ? There isn't one ! That is the enigma of the Middle East.
Transpose that to the present situation. Iraq was ruled by a vicious dictator. The dictator favoured the minority Sunni Arabs who persecuted the majority Sh'ites. The United States believed the dictator was amassing weapons that would endanger world peace and decided to invade and give democracy - and freedom - to the Iraqi people.
The moment the dictator was gone the Iraqi people turned to fight their deliverer and one another. Like the frog and the scorpion - there is no reason for the fighting in a country rich with oil which could deliver a high standard of living to all it's citizens.
What does the future hold for Iraq ? Probably a return to tyranny. The Americans and their allies expected the Iraqi people to be grateful. In due course they will leave - disappointed - and from the fighting masses a new master will eventually emerge and rule the country with an iron hand.
Like the frog and the scorpion - the people of Iraq seem doomed by a common need to fight each other. Surrounded by wealth, history will record them as living by choice in perpetual poverty !

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