Tuesday 4 December 2007

THe silent assassin !

One of the things most people find unacceptable is domestic violence. The courts come down heavily upon it - and in recent years it has been dragged screaming into the open and disclosed for all to see.

Unfortunately the equal balance of justice is not a factor when guilt is assessed. We have this stereotype of a huge male savagely beating a defenceless female - and this springs to mind whenever the subject arises.

Now it seems that a claim of domestic violence has become a political weapon employed to destroy an opponent. The mere whisper of violence against such a person can destroy a career - and leave a permanent tarnish.

Such a case appears to be directed against state minister Phil Koperberg. This man was an illustrious fire commissioner, stood as a Labor candidate and is now a minister in the Iemma government.

It has been suggested that domestic violence occurred in 1987 during a relationship breakup. Koperberg denies this, but agrees " there were many blues. It was a turbulent time ".

How is it possible to prove or disprove something that happened twenty years ago ?
To muddy the water, it appears that the claim may have originated from a political opponent within the same political party - who also had a relationship with this same woman.

The minister has stood aside during the enquiry that will follow, but this case illustrates the huge damage that occur when a rumour finds it's way to the media - and in the minds of many - that rumour becomes fact !

There simply is no answer. We will never condone domestic violence, but as long as we immediately associate guilt with innuendo then the tools are there for a political assasination.

Hopefully we will get to the stage of carefully considering that there are usually two sides to every argument !

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