Friday 14 December 2007

The drug " Supremos " !

Law enforcement has watched the increasingly sophisticated methods used to bring drugs to market in all parts of the world.
Drug supply has come a long way from the enthusiast growing a few Marijuana plants in the backyard - to the " doctored " electricity meters and hydroponic setups in suburban homes - to state sponsored narcotic empires delivering their cargos to our shores.

Law enforcement has just cracked a Canadian/Asian based drug syndicate that has moved the goal posts and set a new benchmark in sophistication.
Forty people have been arrested - fourteen in Australia - and $ 13.7 million of Ecstacy and Ice confiscated.
Internationally, real estate worth $ 6.7 million - and $ 2.3 million in cash - has been seized as the profit from drug crime.

This drug organization has been formed around a number of " cells " - none of whom know or have any contact with one another. This is reminiscent of the way terrorist organizations operate - and there is a chance that the principals may be spy masters from a foreign power - or disenchanted religious fanatics - who have decided to go into business for their own profit.

Whatever the background, this will make penetration by the police harder to accomplish. The " Supremos " are quite ruthless. They discard without mercy those who get caught and simply target a new cell to maintain an uninterrupted supply.

It is obvious that the world of drugs will never be completely defeated. There is simply too much money involved and that sort of money brings out the best in criminal minds.
There is no answer - only continued vigilance !

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