Sunday 23 December 2007

The cut that delivers safety.

Raymond Barry Cornwall ( 52 ) is not the sort of person you would welcome into your community. Cornwall is a sex pervert who preys on young boys.

Cornwall was recently released from gaol. This release was not without strings. Cornwall was required to wear a security bracelet 24/7, report to police three times a week, reside at an approved address - and honour a curfew.

Within hours, he had cut off the security bracelet and fled the scene. He was recaptured days later on a beach at Stanwell Park, ogling young boys playing in the surf. For this breach of parole he will be returned to gaol.

This raises the question. " Where do we go from here ? "

Inevitably, some time in the future Cornwall will again come before the parole board. The Civil Liberties people will urge that he be given another chance. The prison people and medical people who know him and supervise him daily will be horrified at the thought of his release into an unsuspecting public domain.

It is time the state government bit the bullet and decided on a plan to deal with this sort of person. There seems to be only two options available.

Option one would be to keep them in prison for the duration of their lives

A second option would be to cure those deviant urges - by castration !

No doubt the Civil Liberties people will holler blue murder - but the children of this state also have civil liberties - and one of those liberties is the right not to be a victim of a sex pervert.

Maybe the loss of testicles would be a reasonable swap for the right of such a person to walk through the prison gates as a free man !

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