Saturday 29 December 2007

The illusion of freedom.

Today David Hicks ( 32 ) will emerge from South Australia's Yatala prison - but he will not be a free man.

Hicks will be required to report to police three times a week, live in a designated dwelling and observe a midnight to six am curfew. He will also be restricted to the use of any telephone or computer registered with the authorities - and he will have given an undertaking not to associate with terrorists or commit terrorist crimes.

David Hicks is an enigma. He converted to Islam and joined an al Qaeda terrorist network which took up arms against western troops engaging the Taliban in Afghanistan.

He was captured - and spent five and a half years in " Gitmo " - Camp X-Ray at the American prison at Guantanamo Bay, Cuba. As a result of a " deal " he pleaded guilty to aiding terrorism and was repatriated to Australia to serve a final seven month sentence in Yatala.

So - Where is his future after today's release ?

He will probably register with Centrelink for " Newstart " - formerly known as "the dole " and receive $ 465 a fortnight while he looks for a paid job. He has supporters in Australia and the majority of people believe in " a fair go " - so he may not have too much trouble settling back into the Australian way of life.

What happens after that is entirely up to him. If his experience with terrorists was a rush of blood as a young man he will turn his back on his former life. He is an Australian citizen and he is entitled to the services this country provides, but many will remain suspicious - and for the remainder of his life he can expect that ASIO observers will not be far away !

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