Wednesday 19 December 2007

One flew over the Cuckoos nest !

Gilbert and Sullivan specialised in writing farcical theatre - but it would be hard to trump the efforts of Shellharbour council when it comes to stupidity !

This council has been noted for in-fighting between people with big ego's and small minds. It culminated in a dispute over supposedly leaked confidential matters concerning the renumeration package of the council's CEO - which became a matter of public record anyway !

Push came to shove and the matter became a court case with three people the subject of litigation. Ratepayers - and the state government - became alarmed as costs quickly elevated and the council was warned - Put your house in order and get out of this mess - or face being placed in administration !

Sanity seemed to be prevailing when three Labor councillors sponsored a motion to drop the matter and retreat from further cost - but then party politics entered the fray. Dissenting Labor councillors decided to caucus on the matter - and because one councillor in favour was unable to be present - the decision was to oppose the motion.

We now have the situation where the three Labor councillors will propose and second the motion - but will be unable to vote for it because the caucus decision would see such a vote as against the policy of the ALP.

We are therefore back to square one - but at least this illustrates the stupidity of party politics having a place in local government !

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