Saturday 22 December 2007

Divided views on health !

The report on the shambles that is Royal North Shore hospital has finally been filed. It was chaired by a politician - and it seems that the main objective was not to make waves - and not to rock the boat.

Few would be surprised to find that the report failed to sheet home the blame for this mess to anyone. It was not the fault of the state government. It was not the fault of the doctors and nurses. It was not the fault of the Health Commission. With a shrug of the shoulders - maybe just serendipity !

At the same time new prime minister Kevin Rudd is taking a serious look at eliminating the long waiting time for elective surgery. Two options are being explored.

It is suggested that vouchers may be used to enable those at the end of a long queue to have the job done in a private hospital - at public expense.

There is also a suggestion that rivate hospitals be asked to quote on a tender basis for accepting some of the load for knee replacements and cataracts.

It is a bold move, but if adopted there could be an unfortunate backlash. Many insured people might be offended to find a public patient in the next bed - scheduled for the same operation - and getting it for free.

After all, that insured patient has been forced to take out insurance by the Medicare levy impost - the purpose of which was to free up the public hospital system by making private hospitals affordable for the insured.

All it proves is that there is no easy answer to the health mess !

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