Monday 19 November 2007

Wet paint !

Watch where you sit or stand ! The whitewash brushes are being vigorously applied at the Parliamentary Enquiry into Patient Care at Royal North Shore Hospital.

This enquiry - presided over by the " independent " Reverend Fred Nile has just one more day to run - and yet it will not hear evidence from two nurses who are too frightened of retribution to take the stand unless they are served with a subpoena !

They have good reason to fear for their careers. In 2004 there was a similar enquiry into ghastly mistakes and patient deaths at Camden/Campbelltown hospital.
Five courageous whistleblower nurses gave evidence - and were promptly sacked !
The enquiry corroborated their evidence - but when the enquiry was over the government took no action to reinstate them. They remain pariahs - locked out of their profession for having the courage to tell the truth and unveil injustice.

Supposedly there is legislation to protect whistleblowers who reveal government coverups but in the case of the sacked five there was resentment from many of their colleagues. It seems that when medical disaster strikes the profession closes ranks and tries to sweep the blame under the carpet.

No doubt this enquiry will suggest remedies, but the hearing will only be presented with the spin from the government and the profession. The most likely outcome is that it will disappear into some dusty pigeon hole - never again to see the light of day !

So much for truth and justice - and the desire to provide the people of this state with a safe hospital system !

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