Wednesday 21 November 2007

Japanese whale piracy !

Four Japanese whaling ships have left their home port and are sailing to the great southern ocean - where they intend to kill over a thousand whales - including Humpbacks this year - for " scientific purposes ".

What an epic case of hypocrisy ! There is no " science " involved in this slaughter and the whale meat will be offered in the butcher shops of Japan for human consumption.

It is not even popular. Vast amounts of unsold whale meat from previous expeditions are stored in warehouses - and now there are moves to include it in school lunch menus to try and restore it's appeal - and remove an embarrassment to the government.

This whale hunt is nothing short of Japanese arrogance. If they destroy enough whales to dilute the migration to and from warmer waters and the great southern ocean they will also destroy a fast developing tourist sport - whale watching.

Thousands of people spend big money to be transported offshore to watch these majestic creatures breach and play for their amusement. The last thing they wish is to cause them harm - and the very idea of Japanese crews firing explosive headed harpoons into their bodies - and then watching their agonising death throes before hauling them aboard and slicing them up is totally repugnant.

We abhor terrorism and the slaughter of innocents by car bombs and suicide bombers, but if these whaling ships happened to hit an iceberg or otherwise meet a sticky end - few would mourn their demise !

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