Tuesday 20 November 2007

The road to the ballot box !

There can be very few weary and shell shocked citizens who are not heartily sick of the never ending litany of political advertisements spewing forth from TV and radio !
With just a few days before we make that trip to the ballot box the flow has increased to frenetic proportions. At each commercial break it is now unusual to view and hear an advertisement for other than a political message. It seems that commerce is on hold - until the election is decided.

The amount of advertising money involved is staggering. Television advertisements are not cheap - and apart from the propaganda from the two major parties there is a constant flow from special interest groups on both sides of politics.

Then there are the opinion polls. On past performance, these should be taken with a grain of salt. When asked on their voting intentions many are influenced by those surrounding them - and " go with the flow ".
When it comes to making contact between pen and ballot paper in the privacy of the voting booth that choice can be very different, and the intelligence of voters is something that politicians constantly under rate !

This is probably the most advertising intensive election in Australian history. The voters will make a choice on two widely diverging political philosophies and put in place a Senate which will act as a brake on any form of excess.

Saturday will be decision day. The future direction is in the hands of the people !

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